
  • Ethnographic research services leveraging interviews, focus groups, participant observation, contextual inquiries, and digital ethnography for in-depth analysis of people’s behaviors and attitudes.

  • Foresight research services employing trend analysis, scenario planning, expert workshops, and creative thinking to anticipate future market shifts and opportunities.

  • Behavioral science services study cognitive biases using interviews, field experiments, survey research, and data analytics to understand and influence people’s decision-making processes.

  • Design research services utilizing usability testing, user experience mapping, prototyping, and co-creation workshops to innovate and refine product designs for optimal user engagement.

  • Toolkit design services offering customized development of frameworks, methodologies, and tools for strategic analysis, innovation processes, and operational efficiency.

  • Program design services focused on creating structured, outcome-driven initiatives tailored to organizational goals, incorporating strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and performance metrics.